(27/8/24) Meeting Minutes

Aug 27, 2024


  • Trym Bruset

  • Santiago Carmuega

  • Kevin Hammond

  • Eystein Magnus Hansen

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Alex Karpov

  • Samuel Leathers

  • Nori Nishigaya

  • Romain Pellerin

  • Ricky Rand

  • Duncan Soutar

  • Giorgio Zinetti


Discussion PointsNotes/Action ItemsActions: Responsible/None

Introduction & Quorum

Quorum achieved

Approve the Agenda

Minutes, Online Votes, & Publishing Updates

  • Minutes for 19 Aug approved

Review 90-day milestone plan - Leonard

  • Core infrastructure plan is on track

  • Comms plan has been published and is being refined

  • Process for community-proposed items is being developed

  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are being set up for scalability, DeFi, etc.

  • Leonard to organize a breakout meeting with Sam to discuss SIG formation and outreach

  • Leonard to work with Hwang and Duncan to shortlist names for SIG participation

Proposed Item Review - Duncan

Node Architecture Refresh

  • Ricky Rand proposed re-architecting the node for better componentization

  • Aim is to improve flexibility, scalability, and concurrency

  • Two phases: discovery and proof of concept, each about 6 months

  • Kevin Hammond suggested using Delta Q analysis for design decisions

  • Discussion on potential benefits and implementation challenges

Pricing Models

  • Kevin Hammond presented on revised stake pooling incentives

  • Discussion on potential changes to stake pool operator rewards

  • Pricing models for Cardano ecosystem discussed

  • Tiered pricing concepts introduced

  • Need for community input and special interest group involvement highlighted

Proof of Useful Work

  • Romain Pellerin presented on proof of useful work for deep learning

  • Concept involves using machine learning tasks for block production

  • Potential implementation in partner chain or Cardano mainnet in future

  • Discussion on research phase, budget considerations, and integration with existing systems

  • Debate on how to handle research projects within the roadmap planning process

  • Ricky Rand and Kevin Hammond to discuss and refine the pricing models proposal

Next steps on SIGs - Leonard

  • Sam Leathers provided update on SIG creation in Discord

  • Need for more community engagement and participation in SIGs

  • Discussion on outreach strategies and minimum viable SIG for Leos/Paris discussion

  • Proposal to involve Matthew Capps or Tim Harrison for better community push

  • Sam to create a list of people for DApps and Scalability SIGs

  • Eystein to propose ideas for lowering barriers to communication in SIGs

Community Open Spaces and Town Hall participation - Karen/Hwang

  • Upcoming committee elections in September

  • Discussion on number of seats for Core Infrastructure subcommittee

  • Proposal for 9 seats: 1 chair, 1 secretary, 7 open seats

  • Debate on opening half of the seats for election this year

  • Consideration of community involvement and representation

  • Hwang to share the committee elections website link with the group

New Business

Motion: To approve baseline for quorum as 3 or more participants depending on past 3 attendance records

  • Motion tabled to next meeting

Last updated