(19/8/24) Meeting Minutes

Aug 19, 2024


  • Reza Baram

  • Nicolas Biri

  • Silona Bonewald

  • James Chapman

  • Neil Davies

  • Will Gould

  • Benjamin Hart

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Alex Karpov

  • Sebastian Nagel

  • Nori Nishigaya

  • Romain Pellerin

  • David Rosales

  • Duncan Soutar

  • Polina Vinogradova


Discussion PointsNotes/Action ItemsActions: Responsible/None

Introduction & Quorum

  • Workshop Quorum was met at 1608 UTC.

Approve the Agenda

  • Agenda approved once quorum was met. Triage for Mithril to be postponed until next week.

  • Meeting notes and publication updates will be put up for async vote.

  • Hwang to create poll for async vote for minutes and discord publication

Review 90-day milestone plan - Leonard

  • Leonard led discussion on Special Interest Group (SIG) formation

  • Presentation of a outline for SIG to follow: discovery, findings, challenges, conclusions, options and final outcome

  • Aim to provide loose guidelines for SIGs to arrive at outcomes

Special Interest Groups Outline Brief V1.0

  • Ben to provide Dapp and DeFi stakeholders for the SIG by Wednesday

Triage Babel Fees, Mithil, Hydra - Duncan

Mithril and Hydra discussion postponed pending preparation from SME. Babel Fees:

  • Polina Vinogradova presented on Babel fees

  • Aim: Allow transactions without ADA, cover fees and min UTXO value

  • Design allows for batching transactions, sharing witness data, and script inspection

  • Community interest noted, but no firm commitments for development yet

  • Decision to move forward with further investigation

Timeliness Market Proposal:

  • Neil Davies presented on timeliness market concept

  • Motivation: Provide assurance for transaction timing

  • Proposal for a futures market for transaction slots

  • Discussion on potential impacts and market dynamics including consideration of multiple consortiums vs. single market

  • Decision to move forward with further investigation and TSC discussion

  • Polina to complete Key Priorities Spreadsheet

  • Hwang and Leonard to take Babel Fees item forward to be evaluated further

  • Neil to reach out to Aggelos team for input on tokenomics impact

  • Duncan Soutar to slot timeliness market proposal into upcoming TSC agenda for discussion

Comms Plan - Silona

  • Thank you to Silona Bonewald for contributions

  • Discussion on next steps for SIG formation and stakeholder involvement

  • Silona and Hwang to conduct Handover

Last updated