(12/8/24) Meeting Minutes

Aug 12, 2024


  • Hwang HuongKet

  • Douglas Ferguson

  • Ben Hart

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Sam Leathers

  • Alex Karpov

  • Duncan Soutar

  • Giorgio Zinetti

  • Santiago Carmuega

  • Trym Bruset

  • Will Gould

  • Sebastian Node

  • Sebastian Nagel

  • Polina Vinogradova

  • Neil Davies


Discussion PointsNotes/Action ItemsActions: Responsible/None

Introduction &

Agenda approval

Meeting recorded and quorum reached

Agenda amendments were raised to amend Triaging of Items to general Q&A in favour of having the Triage next week, as many key members are not present this session to provide input.

Review on results for Async votes that went out last week: 1) Numbering Structure: Approved Async

2) Publication of revised inflight items: Approved in workshop

3) Publication of New Items Reviewed: Approved Async

4) Publication of Prioritization Rubric : Approved in workshop

5) Publication of CIR Handbook - Glossary : Approved in workshop

6) Addn Triage Categories : Approved in workshop

7) Discord Announcement post : Approved in workshop

8) Quorum: Tabled in favour of an agenda for minimum amount of members attendance required for a quorum.

  • Hwang to share 5 Aug workshop minutes and publication notes for async approval.

Review 90-day milestone plan - Leonard

  • Group reviewed milestone plan

  • Hwang to move SIGs operational milestone to 3 Sept

Babel Fees, Mithil, Hydra Q&A - Duncan

Babel Fees:

  • Polina presented on Babel Fees project

  • Debate on the readiness level of the project

  • Discussion on competing proposals and the need for further discussions

  • Recommendation to table the discussion for further refinement


  • Trym and Sebastian presented on Hydra protocol development roadmap

  • Discussion on the focus areas for 2025, including core protocol development and adoption facilitation

  • Debate on the scope of Hydra as core infrastructure vs. ecosystem development


Babel Fees

  • Ben to reach out to Polina for further discussion over counter-proposals and readiness level


  • Trym and Sebastian to scope out resourcing, timeline and work required.

SIGs set up - Hwang

  • Discussion on setting up SIGs for various topics including Peras/Leios, NFTs, DeFi, and Identity

  • Debate on the structure and purpose of SIGs

  • Agreement to set up SIGs by September 3rd

  • Sam to set up Special Interest Groups (SIGs) by September 3rd

Committee Meeting Logistcs + Voltage Control - Hwang/Douglas

  • Discussion on moving to GitHub for agenda management

  • Agreement to switch from Zoom to Google Meet for future meetings

  • Alignment on the publication of meeting recordings to participants and minutes on Knowledge Base

  • Hwang to distribute meetings recording to attendees

New Business

  • Planning for SIG formation and outreach

  • Discussion on the timeline for SIG feedback and budget approval process

  • Agreement on wider circulation of proposed items for feedback

Last updated