(29/7/24) Meeting Minutes

July 29, 2024


  • Ben Hart

  • Douglas Ferguson

  • Hwang HuongKet

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Duncan Soutar

  • Eystein Hansen

  • Giorgio Zinetti

  • Nori Nishigaya

  • Silona Bonewald

  • Alex Karpov

  • Santiago Carmuega


Discussion PointsNotes/Action ItemsActions: Responsible/None

Introduction &

Agenda approval

  • Meeting recorded and quorum reached

  • Agenda approved without changes

  • Minutes from previous meeting and Discord post draft approved for publication

Review 90-day milestone plan

  • Leonard presented the 30-60-90 day milestone plan

  • Emphasis placed on filling the funnel with items by mid-August

  • Process flow for triaging inbound items discussed

  • Group plan to show budget committee progress by end of September

  1. Leonard to meet with Budget Committee to discuss the milestone plan

  2. Leonard and Silona to review establishing SIGs and define target achievements in the 90 day milestone plan

Lifecycle Process and Integration

  • Group discussed on integrating Core Infrastructure Roadmap with larger lifecycle process across Cardano ecosystem

  • Silona working on slides to show how different committees fit into the six-step process

  • Need to differentiate between Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Technical Working Groups

  1. Ben and Silona to review committee six-step process

  2. Silona and Nori to discuss MCC role in lifecycle process

  3. Silona to prepare slides on six-step process

Proposal - Shorten the 'long' meetings

  • Proposal to shorten long meeting format from 3 hours to 2 hours

  • Vote carried to implement new meeting format

Technical Working Group Inbound Items

  • Discussion on extending the list of nine items by four additional items

  • Debate on what constitutes 'core' projects and how to define them

  • Discussion on updating and publishing key priority documents

  • Corrections and updates needed for some items.

  • Decision to publish items 9-13 as triaged after incorporating feedback

  1. Hwang to incorporate document suggestions for publication

  2. Duncan to reach out to possible champions to fill out project templates

  3. Eystein to work on text for blog items about WG and additional items

Prioritization Rubric

  • Ben presented a preliminary prioritization rubric for discussion

  • Feedback requested on the rubric, with plans to map it to existing flowcharts

  • Discussion on grants versus core projects and how to define them

  1. Ben to update the rubric to reflect cycle planning purpose

CIR Handbook

  • Hwang presented first draft of Core Infrastructure Roadmap (CIR) handbook

  • Discussion on format, content, and publishing timeline

  • Feedback requested on improving the handbook

  1. Hwang to update handbook format to landscape mode for better readability

  2. Hwang to include process map in handbook

Feedback (Focus Groups / SIGS)

  • Discussion on establishing and defining Special Interest Groups

  • Plan to shortlist 5-8 potential SIGs for further consideration

  • Differentiation between SIGs and Technical Working Groups discussed

Wrap up and Next Steps

  • Discussion on improving the CIR handbook

  • Plans to review and update numbering system for work streams

  • Next meeting agenda items proposed

Last updated