Core Infrastructure Roadmap working group

This page is written on behalf of the Core Infrastructure Roadmap Working Group. The information contained is subject to change and amendment by the working group at any time.

Purpose of this working group

The purpose of the Core Infrastructure Roadmap working group is to support the following Intersect pillars on behalf of Intersect and its membership:

  • Intersect Pillar 3: Orchestrate delivery of the community-approved Cardano Roadmap.

  • Intersect Pillar 4: Facilitate the continuity of Cardano for system stability.

To date, the simplest way to explain the purpose of this working group is to generate the definitions of scope items, scope categories in a shared Cardano roadmap and to design the process to have the scope items reviewed and ultimately approved for funding.

An attribute of each item on the Roadmap scope is time. Each item will be approved with an expectation of a schedule. Hence, over time the working group will generate a list of items that are scheduled and that gives us the Core Infrastructure Roadmap.

As the working group completes its scope the resulting Sub Committee will be formed and this will feed into the Roadmap Committee.


As part of the vision of Cardano, the Voltaire era will bring about community voting and a Treasury management system. This era unlocks the funds for the community to curate the growth of the Cardano Economy through the delivery of a shared collection of development items.

The working group has been formed to design a method to define the scopes of the core infrastructure items and to design a process to manage this scope.

As the working group progresses over time, the defined items will be reviewed and approved for funding. The outcomes from the working group will be a shared list of core infrastructure items and a roadmap that enables the Budget committee to generate a budget for funding by the Treasury.


The Core Infrastructure Roadmap working group's mission is to foster a transparent, inclusive, and adaptable roadmap for the decentralized development of Cardano open-source blockchain and maintain its competitiveness.


Several goals has been set to achieve the Mission set out which encompasses Vocabulary & Definitions, Communication Plan, The Process, and Vision.

  1. Vocabulary & Definitions: A standard language, vocabulary, measures, categories-of-item, drivers to be defined within the group

  2. Communication Plan: Clear communication for the Continuity Backlog to illustrate where it currently fits in the lifecycle process and how it will evolve

  3. The Process has two separate goals:

    1. Aggregate relevant (Roadmap) items from CIPs, CPS, SIGs, Intersect TWGs' backlogs and prioritize them for funding / development.

    2. Define tiers in the Roadmap (defined, research-pending, poc ready, research paper)

  4. Vision: Create a clear map of current State and an open collaborative Journey Map for getting to Future state with contributions from the rest of the community.

How will the working group achieve its goals?

Through a series of scheduled meetings, the working group will build towards creating a community-endorsed process, which sorts and approves items to be funded by the treasury for the future development of Cardano.

Who will participate in this working group?

To ensure the process is well considered and that the agreed items are a fair representation of community needs and the wider Cardano Economy, the working group will consist of a cross-section of community members, from trusted builders, technical experts to regular users.

Via Intersect’s Civics committee, we held a workshop in London where we agreed an initial group of working group members to take this forward. This initial group will consider if they need more members, or applications to join the group or members to join for expertise on an as-needed basis. The list of members are updated here.

Intersect as the servant-leader of the community has built a backlog team to facilitate the working group and support the working group in generating our target outcomes.


There are a massive variety of scope items that could be added to the Roadmap and may get approval. These items could be continuity items to keep our current Blockchain running smoothly, future development items, research items, and possibly a variety of supporting items that will generate value for Cardano.

The working group will start with our current items under delivery which are Continuity items. These items will test the process we are designing to be implemented. Over time, as the working group matures we will publish our Roadmap and link it from these Knowledge Base pages.

Learn more and get involved

Regular updates will be provided to Intersect Members on the progress of Core Infrastructure Roadmap-related activity, followed by public updates. To participate in the discussion on Discord or to submit an inquiry, please contact us at

Last updated